Friday, December 20, 2019

The Current Health Care System Essay - 1681 Words

As it has been alluded to, the current health care system heavily depends upon each subdivision to compensate what the other program lacks. However, the current system is an example of how the ideal of shared responsibility may be abused in some instances, although the ideal is still an option if used efficiently. The term â€Å"economics of responsibility† is used to convey an opinion outside the mainstream economists that government, employers, and individuals should share health care cost, although it is made clear to state that furthermore, they have a responsibility to do so. The idea conformed from J.M. Clark in a separate article where he terms â€Å"free market individualism and the notion that the public interest will be adequately served by an absence of intentional action as the economics of irresponsibility† (Champlin Knoedler 10). Therefore, the current system is very true to the definition in being irresponsible with the wellbeing of the American people. The insurance industry is dependent upon its coordinates for its wellbeing, as are the American people for their overall wellbeing. The issue at hand requires a vivacious social awakening. A social movement that understands that responsibility is a â€Å"social construct†, rather it be perceived as a shared accountability. For best intents and purposes, health care is not a commodity, rather it is a patient based service rooted in altruism. During the civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King described the healthShow MoreRelatedThe Current Health Care System1632 Words   |  7 Pagesthere are over 39 million Americans with no health insurance coverage. The current health care system mandates individuals purchase health insurance coverage from private insurance companies to access healthcare systems. Access to comprehensive health care should not be considered a commodity because health is fundamental to the well-being of individuals. 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