Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gang s And Management Challenges Facing Corrections Essay

Gang s in the Correctional Setting There are many supervisory and management challenges facing corrections, due to the proliferation of the gang problem, presently within our prisons today. It is critically important for upper management, in the correctional field, to be held as responsible stewards, of the all resources available to them to combat this problem. (Saint Leo University, 2016). These actions are necessary, to deter the increasing glut of criminal activities, which gang behavior inevitably brings to prisons like a spreading cancer in the system. The gang problem is a dominate force within the correctional system, and steps to minimize its impact upon the daily lives of both prisoners and staff alike must be continually addressed. Swanson and Taylor touched on this trend in the correctional setting, when they discussed that much of this problem is contributable due to the boom in worldwide communication, resulting from the use of newer technology. This form of contraband, is in the form of cellphones, smar tphones, and their subsequent ability for the inmate to control gang enterprises by tapping into the internet. Increased technology results in smaller sizes of smartphones each year, and this outside benefit makes detection increasingly more difficult for officers within prison who utilize more of a community policing model to curtail criminal actions (Swanson, C., Territo, L., Taylor, R, 2012). Strategies and Policies on Gangs Numerous strategies orShow MoreRelatedLeading Group Challenges1610 Words   |  7 PagesLeading Group Challenges * Police, courts and corrections are part of criminal justice organizations. Each of these organizations face challenges every day and the leaders of these agencies must deal with these challenges (Duelin, 2010). The types of criminal justice leaders range from police chiefs and sheriffs to prison superintendents, and heads of government, state, or local task forces. 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